Lowering module for Lamborghini Urus

Tieferlegungsmodul für Lamborghini Urus GG2-Fahrzeugtechnik Tieferlegungsmodul für Lamborghini Urus GG2-Fahrzeugtechnik

With our lowering module you can individually lower your Lamborghini Urus with air suspension via app.

Some additional features are available with the app:

series functionalities

  • You can still operate your air suspension via the Lamborghini MMI, it is just lowered or raised by the desired amount.

Lamborghini driving profiles

You can assign your own lowering or raising depending on the mode:

  • Strada's own profile
  • Sport own profile
  • Corsa's own profile

series height

  • Using the app, you can set the cut-off speed at which your vehicle returns to the standard height or maintains the set lowering.

Show Mode

  • If required, the air suspension can be lowered to a preset value using the show mode.
The lowering module is compatible with all engines of the Lamborghini Urus since 2018.